1. קטע העברית בסוף - לא מופיע כלל
2. איך מעבירים את הכל משמאל לימין?
Two Swans and a River / Abraham Regelson
תרגום המחבר לשירו העברי “שני ברבורים ונהר”
I. 🔗
In a hired loam hovel between Naas and Edenderry, 🔗
A drab abode, thatch cover above, and peeling whitewash within, 🔗
Yeats, the crown of Anglo-Irish poetry, 🔗
Rested on his couch at night. Springtime the days, 🔗
And in that green region in the vicinity of Liffey the River, 🔗
From Moon’s birth till her last conch-edge, 🔗
There he made it his task daily to roam in villages and pasture fields 🔗
And from the prattle of simple folk and aged women of wisdom not from books 🔗
To glean wonders and omens: about the Sheehy – 🔗
These in mist-robes float and wheel round mountain tops, 🔗
Endless their years and fadeless their beauty – and a foundling girl-child 🔗
Of loveliness unmatched by graces granted to mortal daughters 🔗
Assuredly is seed of their planting, and sealed in her lot is great slaughter among menfolk; about the Fairies 🔗
Their lives all song and dance and dream, and a youngling who strays after them 🔗
Is captured in their world forever – or for seven years; about the Souls of the Dead, 🔗
Like their garb in life is their raiment in death, and execration it were 🔗
To resew and abbreviate the skirt of a departed crone 🔗
For a little one of her granddaughters, lest the exposed shanks 🔗
Of that grandma be scorched by flames from Hell; about the Gleemen, 🔗
Chasers after poesy, strong drink and fantasies, 🔗
Contemptuous they of the yoke of common life – 🔗
And what is their punishment? They are reincarnated in the image of apes, 🔗
And instead of bread, it is moonstone, beryl and nacre beads 🔗
They get for their teeth’s grinding. 🔗
II. 🔗
Aslumber and not aslumber the Poet lay, 🔗
And in a dream-tinged haze, lo! He is sitting in a castle hall, 🔗
His heritance from generations of noblemen, and he had long since cleared therefrom 🔗
Musty portraits of knights and admirals, and adorned 🔗
Wall and shelf with fine works of his desire. Now he gazed 🔗
At the Virgin Mother by Crivelli, in her hand a rose 🔗
So fragile and spiritual – more like a thought than like a flower it seemed. His eyes fondled 🔗
Statuettes of wrought silver: Hermes in midflight on sandal-wings; Zeus 🔗
With curly locks on glory-brow; Athené, spear in hand; Demeter, 🔗
Wheat-ear wreath her ornament. And his spirit butted 🔗
Into favorite books, in precious skins bound and wrapt: 🔗
Dante in red, like his wrath; Shakespeare tomes in gay orange, and their innerness – 🔗
Human passions grandly ranging; Milton 🔗
Serious-sublime in azure striped with gray. 🔗
And he bless’d himself within his soul, saying: “How my fate 🔗
That Grecian Gods are my delight, yet I owe them no sacrificial rites; 🔗
That the curches of Rome and Byzantium yield me beauteous things, 🔗
But far from me are the terrors and fanaticism of the Cross-enslav’d. 🔗
All the Gods are my joy, for there is no God I serve. 🔗
Polished is my soul like a steel mirror, sensitive 🔗
To every fervor, yearning and anxiety, she receiving and reflecting them 🔗
But herself remaining ever whole, calm, apart, 🔗
Impervious to scratch of anger, never tarnished by brute desire. 🔗
These large peacocks in my ample door-curtains, gorgeous birds of Hera, 🔗
Blue and flamegold their embroidery – are they not 🔗
The guardians of my selfhood gates, eloquently proclaiming: 🔗
‘Naught shall enter here whose beauty is less than ours!’”… 🔗
III. 🔗
Awake and not awake, and wonderment enwraps him: “Surely, here in this hall 🔗
Times innumerable did I linger and reside, 🔗
And ever that same thought-sequence frequented my mind! 🔗
Is it a circling dream that haunts me 🔗
Or wide awake do I perceive and thus muse? 🔗
Whether waking or dreaming, more than once I sensed and ‘twas whispered to me: 🔗
In a Nature behind Nature, a Mystery beyond Mystery, 🔗
A certain Cherub voiced an alien theme, departing from the chant allotted him 🔗
In the praise-hymning of all the Creations. Straightway 🔗
He was ousted from his phalanx among the choir hosts of the Heavens, 🔗
Doomed thenceforth to be a lone wanderer in the Spheres. And whatever band of Shining Ones 🔗
He chances to meet in his exile-paths, before them he is constrained to tune 🔗
That one rejected theme; and wheresoever he betakes himself, 🔗
His sole companion is his wretched harp under his wing, 🔗
The theme – that’s the course of all my life’s happenings and emotional tremors, 🔗
Which runs its destined round, quits and vanishes, 🔗
Then again wells forth from its beginnings and bubbles and rushes to its demise; 🔗
The harp – that’s th’erratic pen which accompanies my fateful journey 🔗
With its thrumm’d syllables. As one beholds an incident in a dream 🔗
And is reminded of an episode in a romance, so I now remember: 🔗
When last I sat in this mansion, Michael Robartes, my fellow-rambler in our youthful days, 🔗
Of a sudden appeared before me. 🔗
Nor heavy double doors nor ban of peacock beauty 🔗
Stayed his entrance. Gums from the Orient he burned, and in the cloud of incense fragrance 🔗
Dimm’d were the candelabra lamps above, the burnished peacocks 🔗
Faded into bluish flame-tonguelets, dartling golden sparks. 🔗
Amid the vaporous blur, the voice of Robartes moved mellifluous 🔗
With incessant speech. Out of his word-shower 🔗
Vividly arose and passed before me the dread Deities 🔗
Of Mitzrayim, Kush and Ashur; The Monstrosities of Babel; Yahaveh, 🔗
The Mighty One of Israel’s childhood, He who rode on the wing of a whirlwind 🔗
And stood on a smoking mountain to carve a Law for his people; and lo! 🔗
Here are the Exalted and the Beautiful of Olympus, wrought of Nature and Passion, 🔗
Filing by me. And who are these? Vishnu, Shiva, the terrible Kali, 🔗
And Brahma the Mysterious – they within him are womb’d and He, within them dwells, 🔗
He sends forth his breath – and worlds fly off from him, 🔗
He inhales – and worlds are swllowed up in him. 🔗
Nor did my friend deny Miriam and her Son, the begotten in a cow-barn under a star: 🔗
He assigned them a place in the procession of the living Pantheon. 🔗
And unto these he added eternal Figures, revealed of old to loftiest bards: 🔗
Helena, Beatrice, Faustus, Hamlet, Lear… ‘These, too, (quoth Robartes) 🔗
Are of the true Gods, by the smile of whose lips, the frown of whose foreheads. 🔗
Human souls, as though moon-stricken, tread their ways, nations make policy, 🔗
In vain sharpwits averred their non-existence and poets bewept their decline… 🔗
Know, a school of Chosen Ones there is – in secret groups in world-cities they hold conclave. These 🔗
In rites of dance and song, in soul-exercises pure and daring, 🔗
From their human bounds are redeemed. While yet in this mouldering life 🔗
They abide in the Secrecy of the Gods. And thou, my worthy, (quoth the speaker to me) 🔗
Thee we have found fit to enter the covenant of the Gods’ initiates. Come thou with me; 🔗
Into their fellowship will I induct thee. Grandeurs 🔗
Now fleetingly to thy sight unveil’d, 🔗
As enduring Presences in thy soul will reside, and thine eyes of flesh 🔗
Shall become windows giving upon Mysteries supernal.’ 🔗
I being whelm’d with incense fumes, nectareous words and shock of visions, 🔗
Robartes captivated me and I was caught, persuaded me and I was won. 🔗
But that I pitied the purity of my unfleck’d selfhood, and with supreme effort 🔗
I broke the bewitchment that bound me, and stood lone, apart, inviolate. 🔗
This was felt by Michael Robartes, and the Gods of this adoration, 🔗
As though stricken by the frost of my unbelief, 🔗
In a moment shrivelled to nothingness. The incense smoke subsided 🔗
And faded out. The lamps revived and flared with clear shine. The curtain peacocks 🔗
Winning back their prime, scintillated copperbright and blue 🔗
And the emeralds of their tails flashed. 🔗
Ere yet the last mist-fronds dispersed and their perfume utterly fled, 🔗
Robartes vanished even as he had appeared. 🔗
Thus it befell me then. And here once more I find me in this hall 🔗
Among my precious possessions, and the peacocks guarding my thresholds. 🔗
What is now in store for me? Will this hour 🔗
Again thrust upon me Robartes to try my soul with incense of spices, 🔗
Or mayhap a new confrontation this time awaits me?” 🔗
IV. 🔗
He in his night revery thus muses, when suddenly 🔗
Sans noise, sans rustle, off came the hall ceiling, 🔗
Together concavity and candelabra. Seemingly, also the castle roof 🔗
With its pointed turrets was utterly erased. 🔗
And the man found himself girt in darkness, exposed to a night vault 🔗
Dotted and spattered with numberless light-scrabblings, 🔗
A plentitude of constellations and starlets. Among their host he discerned 🔗
Cassiopeia to the right of the Pole Star with the Little Wain at its head, 🔗
Eastward – the twisting Dragon, and there long-neck’d Cameleopard 🔗
Spreads his legs; beneath Leo and Scorpion 🔗
Hydra the Sea-Serpent undulates, and here are the Pleiades and the Whale, 🔗
The Lyre, the Raven, the cuplike Crater – 🔗
Scattered brilliances, companies of glitter, also solitary ones 🔗
Torch-flaming in red and in aquamarine aflicker, 🔗
Some familiar but their names forgot, others new to his eyes as though freshly spawned. 🔗
And midhigh in the heavens the Milky Way, throbbing and frothing, 🔗
Girds them all from North’s end to South’s margin. 🔗
Into the gazer’s contemplation darted a saying of Basilus Valentinus: 🔗
“The blaze of Doomsday is most like unto an alchemist’s flame. 🔗
Truly, the entire Universe resembles an alchemic furnace: 🔗
Everything is bound to dissolve until the Divine Substance, 🔗
Be it material gold or be it spiritual ecstasy, emerge purified.” 🔗
Then the inner light which is behind the gazer’s eyes 🔗
Embraced the swarms of light-crystals on high, and his soul queried: 🔗
“Are not these tiny brightnesses 🔗
Innumerable, smelt-furnaces of celestial alchemists 🔗
Who labor unceasingly to convert lead into gold, 🔗
Bodies into souls, weariness into flame of sacred rapture?” – 🔗
And against the pure exertion of the heavenly bodies 🔗
He weighed the unworthiness of his own life, reckoned the sum of his endeavors: 🔗
“True, unencumbered I was with men’s common burdens, abstinent from uncouth cravings; 🔗
In sweets of song, broidered loveliness and carven ornaments 🔗
My soul luxuriated. But the supreme transport, 🔗
The upflaring of the spirit even unto absorption in the Divine Radiance, 🔗
This was withholden from me, I knew it not…” 🔗
And a grievous “Woe!” broke forth from his heart. 🔗
At his own anguish’d outcry he awoke, and behold! 🔗
No Upper Deep breeding legions of tremulous lights, 🔗
No nobleman’s hall and peacocks splendor-fraught – 🔗
Only the mean inside of a poor hovel, and he, its tenant 🔗
Limb-weary from pressure of a rough rug on a crippled bedstead; 🔗
And indoors night darkness with pre-dawn paleness is interfused. 🔗
The poet arose, wiped down-creeping tears of mist from the windowpane, 🔗
And peered outside: a sea of fog, in hue like muddy milk, 🔗
Melts all existence into formlessness. He stared, he looked, he harked: 🔗
Will not the morning conceive a breeze to furrow the mass of fog, 🔗
And will not a cock’s crow clarion from afar? 🔗
A marvel! There, silhouetted within the thick mist, 🔗
Looms a ghostly likeness, coming ever nearer, growing bigger and bigger, 🔗
Till it shapes itself into a dark gigantic beast, 🔗
A horse-body wherefrom, instead of neck-bow and head-oval, 🔗
Rises the half of a human figure from the hips up… A Centaur! 🔗
But no! It must be that the mist-chaos had deluded him, 🔗
For see! With a mighty leap man is parted from horse, 🔗
And the horse – a steed, the man – a stalwart. 🔗
Twin knocks at the door, removal of a doorbar within, 🔗
And Yeats recognized Gogarty, his brother in striving for the uplift of Eire’s horn 🔗
And his pupil in poetic craft. 🔗
V. 🔗
Over brew’d tea and broken bread, Gogarty unrolled 🔗
What moved him to arouse the dawn at his friend’s door. And thus his tale: 🔗
“Three years ago when the Royal Army unleashed a chase and raid 🔗
To crush the ardent and active for Eire’s freedom, 🔗
I found a hideout in a deserted shepherd’s lodge on a bank of the River Liffey. 🔗
Be it remember’d that that year’s winter lasted beyond its wont 🔗
And only in the sign of Gemini did the river-binding ice unfreeze; 🔗
And melting snows from all sides sent freshets and rivulets into the Liffey, 🔗
And the river swelled, waxed mighty and rushed in rage. 🔗
The lodge in which I sought shelter was merely a box of wooden boards 🔗
And ‘twas tipped to one side, being underburrow’d by the rising current. 🔗
There I meant to stay till from the Underground staff 🔗
I’ll be signalled: ‘Danger is past.’ Night advanced and between me and disaster 🔗
Stands only a thin wooden door, braced by a rusty key in a rusty lock. 🔗
And suddenly – a beating of a rifle butt from without and a command: 🔗
‘In the name of the King, open! And come out 🔗
With hands high up. Your box is surrounded on three sides. 🔗
Linger in it, and it together with you will be burnt down, 🔗
And if weapon’d you appear, that moment your body is a sieve!…’ 🔗
Whence will come my help? I did not think – I acted. 🔗
In the river-facing wall of the lodge was a cobweb-draped transom. 🔗
With hands and nails I tore out the transom with its wooden frame, 🔗
And crawlingly, shoulders cramped and sides lacerated, I forced my body 🔗
Through the transom space, and splash! into the raging river… 🔗
For a moment my senses went dark. I awoke and there I was, clutch’d 🔗
In the press of icy waters and their roar, my teeth chattering, all my body – 🔗
Stabs of cold, and the tyrannical current carrying me like a chip of wood 🔗
Wherever it wills. And fire-streaks buzz above my head, 🔗
Bounce all around me, and hiss into the water and perish. For the King’s hunters, 🔗
Aware of their quarry’s escape, accompanied me with a hail of shots. 🔗
In my distress, a hankering for prayer beswept me. The heavens are far, and I am in the grip of the torrent. 🔗
So, voiceless, I implored the river: ‘Father Liffey, 🔗
If thou wilt bring me in safety to the farther shore, 🔗
Then, what time the light of freedom beams upon my Country, 🔗
I will surely remember thee, and on a springtime morning 🔗
I will visit thee with favor of a swan-pair of purest white, 🔗
A glory on thy waters.’ To conclude the saga: 🔗
The waters cast me up on the yonder shore of the river, 🔗
A goodly distance from where they at first received me; and a tent-camp of tinkers 🔗
At their bonfire, by chafing my limbs with cold and with hot and by ministry of strong drink, 🔗
Revived my soul. Now that the yoke is broken from off Eire’s neck, 🔗
(Though as yet uncompleted is the labor of freedom), I am come to honor my vow to the river, 🔗
And I shall deem it a kindness, my superior, if you will accompany me on this pious errand 🔗
And be witness that what my soul uttered in her dire need, I perform in my wellbeing.” 🔗
VI. 🔗
Together the two friends wended their way to the River Liffey, 🔗
Yeats afoot in boots and Gogarty aloft on his horse, with the swans – a male and his mate – 🔗
In a wicker cage behind the saddle. 🔗
Dark-red the horse’s back, and the redness as it descends on the sleek flanks 🔗
Gradually changes to fawn, to light yellow, till the belly beneath 🔗
Is all of a paleness. And he, an animal clever, 🔗
Paces slowly, now and then turning his head to peer 🔗
Lest with his sheer bulk he unwittingly buffet his master’s friend. 🔗
Warmth of a newborn morning caused the fog to lift. 🔗
Already the horse and the man walking beside him 🔗
Are in clear air, while the head of the rider 🔗
Is still swathed in wavily drifiting vapors. 🔗
Soft grass-hairs carpet the meadow-plain, 🔗
And the earth, rain-soaked and pitted with many a hidden puddle, 🔗
With sucking squelch sends up water into holes, glyph’d 🔗
By tread of boot and sinking hoof. 🔗
Gogarty, from his exalted seat, opened speech: 🔗
“A horse is the life of every true Irishman, and you, 🔗
Singer of our Land’s very soul, abstain from horsemanship. 🔗
Truth of Faith it is: Had our chief Poet mastered riding skill, 🔗
He would have enriched the Kingdom of Poesy with rhythmic modes 🔗
Unknown of yore, birthlings of gallop, canter, curvet, leap, 🔗
Dash, prance, caper… For your neglect of drill in this art 🔗
You will be called to account before the God of Chants.” 🔗
Rejoined Yeats: “I could have put you off with tale of a dream. 🔗
Out of the twilight of a nap, Pegasos appeared before me and beswore me with strict ban: 🔗
‘Never with earthly horses shalt thou have ado, though they dazzle like lightning in races. 🔗
Though hot their nostrils puff steam with lust of battle… 🔗
Only between my chaste wings shalt thou journey and thou wilt soar unto realms cerulean, serene, 🔗
And against all Chimeras wilt prevail…’ 🔗
But, my brother, your logic is self-defeating. You set 🔗
Possession ahead of possessor, creature prior to creator. 🔗
Whence did Horse derive his prancing and all his motions of grace? 🔗
Is it not from Man who tamed him, trained him 🔗
And he who commands a horse that he gallop, dash or halt, 🔗
Has the power (if he be so gifted from the womb and by toil dedicated) 🔗
To command a rhyme that it gallop, a line that it frisk, a verse that it run wildly or gently pace.” 🔗
Here ended the chat of rider and walker; for meanwhile the fog-canopy above was frayed and torn, 🔗
And through its rents rays of the morning sun broke through in shape of slanting cylinders of light 🔗
And fans of radiance widening earthward. 🔗
And from a nearby wood to the south gushed forth a burst of song, 🔗
The welcome of a many-winged choir to daybreak, and on the friends was poured out 🔗
A rain of metallic clinks, a shower of myriad titters and cymbal tinklings, 🔗
Mingled with the jubilation of tiny flute-throats, 🔗
An anarchic order and harmonious confusion of voices of thrush, swift, redbreast, 🔗
Blackcap, linnet and chiffchaff, a cuckoo’s call 🔗
At moments interweaving with them, now from here, now from there, while a travelling swampfowl 🔗
Leaves behind him a wailful warble ending in a triumphant screech. 🔗
On the marge of Liffey the River a low hill rounded itself 🔗
And upon it upsprang early flowers frail: daffodil, athanasia, daisy and pansy, 🔗
Their little heads trembling and flittering with every passing breeze. 🔗
By that hill Gogarty dismounted, bearing the swans’ cage on his arm, 🔗
And his steed he sent off to feed among the grasses till he be wanted. 🔗
The two friends unshoed themselves, and barefoot stood on a strand 🔗
Where ripples of shallow water lapped their soles. 🔗
And Gogarty unto the river intoned a verse: 🔗
These creatures, calm and fair, approve and claim 🔗
And upon thy clearest waters let them sail: 🔗
The one a Princess, right lovely and of noblest fame, 🔗
To this shape changed by wizard’s spell. 🔗
And her mate, this Swan of august might, 🔗
His feather boasts a more than royal stem; 🔗
His raiment – a kirtle whiter than white, – 🔗
In peace and perfection keep thou them! 🔗
Glorious like that sublime Bird, down flown from on high, 🔗
For love of Leda sore distraught, 🔗
And she, wonderstruck, bared to him breast and thigh, 🔗
And twin heroes she bore and begat. 🔗
A pink earthworm feeling her way in the dark, 🔗
Propelling through her pipe of rings soil-granules 🔗
Wherefrom she extracts her minim nourishment, 🔗
Meanwhile anointing them with sap of her own body, does she conceive 🔗
What share – by perforation and enrichment of clods – 🔗
She bears in the Design of rearing lordly forests 🔗
And dowering acres with fat yields of grain? 🔗
A gold-babonag floweret among his brothers on his stalk by a forsaken fence, 🔗
This meek Sun worshipper who molds his form in the image of his God. 🔗
Knows he what his guerdon is to the Luminary he adores 🔗
And thereby to the entire starry whirlpool? Be it believed 🔗
(Though the thumb of Science as yet is too gross to probe this) that every sunray 🔗
Visiting the tiniest of flowers is spun double-stranded, 🔗
One strand running to the flower to give it life and with color-joy to crown it, 🔗
The other strand returning to the Sun laden with the blessing of the elfin radiant one 🔗
To his great Benefactor. 🔗
Even so as a human soul kens not how – with all the turmoil of her passions, 🔗
Her high flights of learning, her torments and her battles – she is broidered 🔗
Into the ineffable weavement of Universes, 🔗
Nor what her mission is in the eternal genesis of Yah-Nature. None the less, it haps 🔗
That the Archangelic Music that ever sings itself in the heights of the human soul 🔗
And the Spirituality that animates each stir and weft in the cosmic arrays 🔗
Leap towards each other, meet in a mutual kiss 🔗
And as one stream flow in the plentitude of Divine Effulgence. 🔗
Then the cut-off soul, confined in the gaol of her own boundaries, catches 🔗
An inkling of the all-embracing Harmony, and it is confided to her 🔗
That, for all her flimsiness, she is a cherish’d strain in a vast creative adventure, 🔗
A rainbow filament in the becoming of all that be. 🔗
Gogarty honored his teacher-friend with opening of the cage. 🔗
Liberated, the pair of swans with a beating of wings leaped into the river. 🔗
The male uplifted a proud throat and sounded a great trumpet-note for their freedom, 🔗
And the couple promptly with web-legs oared into the heart of the lucid waters, 🔗
Turning their faces upstream. – 🔗
The mist melted spoorlessly away. 🔗
A pristine Sun rose above purple eastern hems 🔗
And grasses on the ground sparkled with myriadfold gems. 🔗
A fresh-water smell fondled fragrances of flower and green herb 🔗
And the soughing of the placid stream as it shuffled against its shores 🔗
Blended with the birds’ singing, now softened and sweetened, 🔗
Since they had concluded their morning Praise and turned to provision for their nests. 🔗
The wings of the swans with gold sundust were bestrewn 🔗
And their forms as they swam were doubled face up in the water-mirror. 🔗
Then the friends knew that Father Liffey welcomed the vow-offering and bless’d it, 🔗
And their souls in unison with the souls of companies of God-wrought beings, each in her native utterance, 🔗
Answered AMEN. 🔗
הערה לתרגום האנגלי 🔗
מהו פרויקט בן־יהודה?
פרויקט בן־יהודה הוא מיזם התנדבותי היוצר מהדורות אלקטרוניות של נכסי הספרות העברית. הפרויקט, שהוקם ב־1999, מנגיש לציבור – חינם וללא פרסומות – יצירות שעליהן פקעו הזכויות זה כבר, או שעבורן ניתנה רשות פרסום, ובונה ספרייה דיגיטלית של יצירה עברית לסוגיה: פרוזה, שירה, מאמרים ומסות, מְשלים, זכרונות ומכתבים, עיון, תרגום, ומילונים.
ליצירה זו טרם הוצעו תגיות